Saturday, May 16, 2015

Pre-spring break/ the week after

April 29, 2015

"Time is moving at the speed of light.
Don't wanna miss this chance, and wish my life away.
These are the BEST days. "
--Beyond 5...(a cute boy band me & Erynn opened for one time)

I like my life. Gee, I like it a lot.
I have been blessed with lots of fun opportunities in the last few months.

Lauren came for the day.Her family was just traveling through, so it was short lived, but it was wonderful. It was awesome to be able to have really good talks with one who valued the same things I do, and with someone who knew about the gospel already, and gave me input on what she thought about our trials of this life.
She is so strong and such a good friend.
And, we took lots of pics with the selfie stick at the park, so that was fun too. :)

Then, Megs had her birthday, which HAD to have multiple festivities. We all went to dinner together, and ate cheesecake (all of our favorites!) and explored downtown. I love this picture a lot, because I love these two a lot. It's pretty representative our friendship. I feel so darned blessed. I have the greatest friends I could ever ask for!

Then, the next day, we went hiking at Bowl & Pitcher (Meg's favorite spot), and Matt came along. We hiked, and then found this cute little meadow area, and sat and chatted, and threw big rocks into the water off the cliff. AND we took lots of pictures with the selfie stick, but that's kind of a given. ;) Then, we went to lunch at this cute place called, "The Milk Bottle" (the building's in the shape of a milk bottle.)

If I write about everything we did, I'll get tired of writing this blog post. So, I'll give my favorite parts.

1. Going to the Grand Canyon.

(and taking this picture, oh my goodness, I loved that too.)

It was beautiful and I am a serious lover of the outdoors.

2. Going to Temple Square during General Conference, AND on Easter. :)

3. Hiking Angel's Landing with my dad & brothers.

Then, the week we got back, I went to State FBLA. I've done a lot with FBLA in my high school career, a lot more than I thought I would've at least, as my Freshman self. FBLA has taught me a lot of important things, most importantly, resumes and job interviews.

Those are just a few fun things that have happened in the last few months.

Love, Addy

Sunday, March 1, 2015

I can't recap any longer.

March 1st, 2015

My time is seriously escaping me. I feel like all the weekends are filled, and senior year is coming to a close, and that makes me so sad.
So. I can't recap what else has happened any more, because I want to tell you about NOW!

I just want to give a little shout-out this girl that is WAY special.
She's beautiful.
She's the sweetest soul.
She honestly drives me crazy sometimes.
And she's the biggest goof I know.

But I love her SO much!

And, that's this sweet girl right here.
My favorite sister. (She's my only one, so it's kind of automatic...)

And you know what else?

This is how I know I have been
BLESSED to have a sister like Elle:

1. She stuck with me during my awkward stage. (But hey, I stuck with her too! We were both a little...odd. )

Exhibit A, everyone...
2. She can always make me smile.

It's so annoying, when I'm mad, she always tries to make it a joke. I'm like, "Elle, I'm being serious.", and then she says something so random, or tries really hard to make me laugh, and I can't help but smile, and shake my head at that crazy girl.

3. She's always willing to go on adventures with me.

These are the best kinds of adventures --spontaneous camping on an air mattress on the back deck. (Does that even count as camping? hehe)
She'll always stay up and talk to me for hours, and you'll never believe it, but she's never the first asleep. She LOOOOVES to talk. (Which is usually a good thing, but sometimes...Elliette...:)   )

4.  I know that she loves me. (Because I love her SO much.)

Even though we have our moments of disagreeing (honestly, it happens all the time.),I know that we'll end up being best buds again. I am so grateful for the way that Elle forgives, and gives me second chances, because sometimes I'm a real jerk to her.

She is understanding of my faults, and I am understanding of her, and honestly, it is the making of such a good friend.

Another thing that assures me of having a friend in Elle is that we're kind of stuck together for we might as well be best pals...:)

I was so excited when I found this picture. It is accurate, SO accurate. :)
5. She sticks with me.
That's what is so special. We can argue & get along and still be sisters, and still be friends. I am so grateful for that. Elle always looks for the positive, and gives me greater perspective. Also, another thought, Elle has great sense in style, and helps out in my appearance A LOT.

But most of all, Elle has the gift of caring for everyone. She is such a support to her friends and her family, and to me.

You keep getting taller.
And beautiful-er.
Please stop it already.

Love you so much, sweet girl.

Love, your forever sister & forever pal,

Saturday, January 10, 2015

And then...BAM. Senior year.

I'm going to be one of those Seniors that I rolled my eyes at Freshman year. 

High school goes by so dang fast. One second you're the turtle kid in the hallway (because your backpack is so stinkin' big) and your teachers are handing you syllabus sheets, lined with tips for high school success, and then you blink, and you know what? You're handed sheets telling you to buy your cap and gown, and all your teachers question which college you'll attend. 

It's crazy. And the even crazier thing is that I totally remember seniors telling me this when my high school journey was just beginning. They'd say, "Cherish every moment, because you blink, and it's all over!!" and I'd think, "Am I blinking hard enough? I've been in high school for a month now, and it's currently not whizzing on by...". But I roll my eyes no longer, because here I am, writing this blog. WEIRD. :) 

So, senior year, it came. :)
This is how I felt about being a senior in a picture

Freeman is a proud supporter of High School Musical jumping pictures. ;) 
The first and best thing about getting back to school is VOLLEYBALL. I had the best season with the best girls on my team.

we love playing at the park. 

I love laughing 'till I cry with them. I love eating at Red Robin's and driving as fast as possible (without getting pulled over)  to get to the football games after volleyball tournaments. I even love jump training with them! So many good times. :)

Rip-a-shot tourney CHAMPS! 
Anna Gallagher (the sweetest girl of all time, and my pepper partner) wrote a speech for me for our senior night, and it was the cutest, most heartfelt thing.This picture was taken right after she read it, and I was crying little happy tears, it was so sweet. I am so grateful for her, and for all my team, but this picture is a good representation of volleyball season for me. Looking back on it just makes me happy, even though there were rough patches along the way. I'm grateful for my team, for Eva (my wonderful coach!), and for volleyball, for making me a stronger and a better person. :)

The next best thing about school starting is football. ( Fall sports are the bomb.) 
Football games at Freeman High School are hoppin', and a serious highlight, of fall, of LIFE! 
The gang :)

Jos, Emily, and I would drive together to the away games to cheer on the boys. It was so fun!

So many fun pictures, and so many fun wins, because we ROCK at football. And even that one game where the game wasn't exactly in our favor, (we hate Colville...), the boys were still super dignified and lost strong. I was proud to be a Scottie that night and every night at the football games.


So, a few weeks before Homecoming, we had an assembly, basically for sports recaps. At the end of it, a bunch of the football boys did this random, not expected,  in-sync dance routine to "Treasure" by Bruno Mars. It was so funny, and then once it was over, one of the boys grabbed a microphone and he asked his girlfriend to homecoming. And then he passes the microphone to the next guy, and he asks a girl, etc. I was just sitting there thinking "Man, this is so clever and so cute!" and then Sebas (the boy in the picture on the left) gets the microphone, and he says, "Addy Clark, will you go to Homecoming with me?" and everyone freaked out like "Ohh!" and "Yeahhh!", because Sebas was the only one who didn't have a girlfriend out of the group, so no one knew it would be me that he'd ask.(I didn't even know!)  I swear I melted in my seat right there, it was the cutest thing ever. 

Homecoming week was such a blast. That is literally the best week of school. 
Just your average day at Freeman High School. (Hick day) 
POWDERPUFF was SO stinkin' fun. I wore Cole's football jersey. And, had to take a picture with Megs after the game because the Seniors absolutely clobbered the Juniors. (If they liked it, then they should've put a ring on it. We were the champions, my friends.)

"'Cause there 'aint no doubt I love this land...GOD BLESS THE USA."
If you want to see some real patriotism though, come to Freeman, one and all!

80's day.:)

I love 80's workout; I think it is hilarious, and so fun to wear. Megan, Sebastian and I went homecoming thrift shopping the week before homecoming, and I found these cool purple parachute pants. SO FUN.

Creeeeeeepy day.

I wore this big boa-constrictor stuffed animal we've had forever draped over my shoulders for the day, and it was the funniest. I just thought, "If I saw someone walk around with a snake over their shoulders, I would think that's pretty creepy".

I can't even tell you how many "anaconda" jokes I got though. haha :)

 We go to the creek every month for AP Environmental Science, even on spirit day!!
Love these guys.


This was one of the most magical nights of my life.
I had the privilege of being on Homecoming Court with these sweet girls.

They had us hit a pinata to see who was queen, and the color of the candy would match the sash of the giirl that was queen. Josie crushed that pinata because she's a softball star, and out poured green candy. GREEN CANDY!! I was queen, and  I felt so overwhelmed with love for the people I go to school with.

We rode in jeeps, it was so fun! We stood in the back, with the tops off. 

Me and my princess Josie. :)

Michael Andrews was king. He is the coolest kid you'll ever meet. :)
I will seriously cherish these memories forever. 
 i have so much to be grateful for.

I'll finish senior year in the next post. This whole "recap-a-whole-year-in-a-few-words-and-picures" is a lot harder than I thought.

Coming up:
                  - Halloween
                  - State Volleyball
                  - adventures with my best buds. :)

Until next time,
Addy :)

Monday, January 5, 2015


Hey. It's a new year! And hey! This is a new little blog, And oh man, I am SO excited for this year. 2015, you're going to be grand. :) 

The other day, I was talking to one of my buds, and we were just talking about life and choices and where to go next and he said, "Well, yeah, this is good option, but I don't want to do it, because I might regret it..."
And that's when I realized. 
What if we all lived our life wary of what might happen, and scared about the future? And what if we never took chances? Where would the risk even be? 
So that's when I thought: is an adventure, and you know what? 
It should be lived like one. :) 
All my life, I've made a best attempt to keep a journal. The other day I found a journal I wrote as your classic first grader, with that big toothless grin, and bangs chopped across the forehead. It said:

"12-31-03 by Addy Age 7
Today is Neow years eve. My b-day! I am going to hav a pretty (party). We are going to crack a pinyota and Im going to open gefst and have fun. I am going to stae up lat tonight and woch the New Year show. today it will be so fun. I love New Years eve it is so fun becuz I get to stay home with with my family. I hop this year well be the best new year ever. I am going to make this the dest (best. d's and b's...haha) year of all the years. "

But how cool is that? Lemme tell you seven-year-old Addy, every year has been a joy. And as much as 2004 was probably a joy (I mean, number sentences, times tables, and coloring books are game changers for sure), I can totally say that 2014 was the "DEST year of all my years". :) (that typo was on purpose) 

These are the highlights of my BEST YEAR YET. 

All-State Choir in Yakima, WA. SUCH a cool experience to sing with such talented people.

I sang 2nd Soprano, and we sang such beautiful songs. My favorite was called, "Choral Fanfare", because the only lyric to it was "Sing!". (Except in SO many unique languages) It was a tricky piece, but was breath-taking when we sang it. AH, TAKE ME BACK. :)

Then, in March, I joined the track team. And who knew it, but I totally love track. :) I threw the javelin, shot put, discus, and I high jumped. (See that little person in the background? That's me warming up with the javelin!!) This picture is quality x 10. 

Jami Jami Jami Pratt, Fun umbrella adventures.
I also found a new hobby in FBLA (Future Business Leaders of America) when I moved to Freeman. 
I got first place at Regionals, which sent me to State, with the coolest kids. We all rode a bus to Seattle for the State Conference, and had tons of fun. 
Bobby and I made our contributions to the gumwall. :)

I participated in the job interview event, which was awesome, because it taught me skills, such as making a resume, and writing a cover letter. Those are skills I will use that was a big bonus. 
Also, I went to lunch with these boys I met that morning. It was the funniest thing of my life. They were great, and super fun, so that was a good time. It's not every day you take a chance like that, especially in downtown Seattle. :) haha

Then, I went to Prom with this cool kid. Ben Mitchell is a true friend and was an awesome date; we had a really fun time at Prom.

AND, Connor Christensen came up that weekend to stay with us, and ended up coming with me to Prom, and took Justyna Folsom. That was probably one of the best parts of Prom --having Connor there! 

SUMMER. Junior year was over, thank heavens. 

LOTS of fun times were had. 

 I LOVE SAFECO FIELD. Baseball is the epitome of summer for me. And, I love the Mariner Moose; when I was little, I danced with him on top of the dugout. So, the moment was relived. :) So good to be reunited with my dance partner.

Connor Christensen, one of the best friends anyone could ever have, left on his mission in July. It was fun to go listen to his farewell talk. I know that he is a great missionary. He's serving in the Salt Lake City Mission. :) (funny how that worked out?)

Then, I went to  EFY in Provo for a week! It was so so darn fun, and I met so many people with hearts of gold. EFY is always an absolute privledge.
Nicole is my favorite, and truly was a blessing to me. She made me want to be an EFY counselor once I go off to college. I'm grateful for her sweet smile, inspired words, and testimony. She truly brought me closer to Christ.
We had 10 girls and 20 boys in our company, so the boys always escorted us like this. These two, Cody and Quinn, were my favorite ones to be escorted by. Such good pals. :) 

I made so many seriously good friends at EFY. Like, I am feeling the love for every single one of those 30 hooligans. 
Our scripture for the week was Doctrine and Covenants 10:5. LOS CONQUISTADORES, :)

And, lots of fun times with Lincoln. Nataley and Colby were here for about a month in the summer, so Lincoln and I had lots of fun times.
He is the cutest little guy you'll ever meet. 

And then, senior year came. And guess what? Senior year is the (But that has to be the next blog post.) 

Until next time, Addy :)