Monday, May 29, 2017

A few words for the week (weekly)

Hello sweet familia of mine, 
Okay, I am IN LOVE with my mission. 

We had the Stake activity on Saturday night, and it was the BEST missionary work activity I have ever seen. I'm serious. In the states AND on my mission. This stake is seriously so powerful, and missionary work is a part of their every day life. All the members had been planning this activity, "meet the mormons", it was a seriously awesome church tour and it was SO well done. Something that Presidente Soto (our stake presidente) said was "The details invite the Spirit" and ain't that the truth. Everything went so well, even last Saturday we had a "dress rehearsal" for it. This stake is AMAZING. You would be so impressed with the work that happens here. 
Also, with the end of every month, we have a goals meeting, to see how we did this month with baptisms, sending names to the temple, people rescued (less actives) and how many references were given to the missionaries. This meeting is at stake level, all the stake presidencies (like from YW, YM, primary, elders quorum, etc) go, along with the missionaries. I just love this work, and left that goals meeting so pumped to preach the word! haha
We went to the condor this morning -Allen (my compi) Hermana Godown and Hermana Calvillo, some of my favorite people. 

They are staying with us until the end of the transfer, and it has been the best thing ever. 
Last night, we were talking about the world, and how it is such a scary place these days, how the last days are THESE days we are living, and how Christ's second coming is so soon. All the signs, especially lately I read in my scriptures about how in the last days, there will be "wars and rumors of wars", and THAT is so true. Because in these last few weeks, I have heard a lot of rumors of wars. Sometimes I feel like I am very cut off here, but those news, of wars happening in the near future, and not any small war, but a HUGE war, are very present here, even in Peru. It is no joke to anyone. We 4 were talking about it last night, and how scary times will come, but how great of a blessing the gospel is, and I felt the spirit very strong. 
I don't feel scared about the future. In fact, when I think of it, I am SO excited. There is so much good ahead. But, there is also so much sadness and so many scary times, and THAT is why we need the gospel.
Do you think that it is a coincidence that the prophet, Thomas S Monson, talked seriously about reading the Book of Mormon every day, how if you don't have a testimony of the Savior, get one. We live in a time of great trouble and wickedness. What will protect us from the sin and evil so prevalent in the world today? I maintain that a strong testimony of our Savior, Jesus Christ, and of His gospel will help see us through to safety. If you are not reading the Book of Mormon each day, please do so. There are trying times ahead, and those things are very very important. This is what I have felt through the spirit this week: the words of our prophet, whom I love very very much. I have heard that his health is failing, and I pray for him every every night without fail. To end, he says, If you do not have a firm testimony of these things, do that which is necessary to obtain one. It is essential for you to have your own testimony in these difficult times, for the testimonies of others will carry you only so far." Please follow this counsel. 

I love you all, and I LOVE this work. I love my Savior. I LOVE the Book of Mormon, and I know that it contains the fullness of the gospel. I KNOW that it is true. 
Thank you for all your prayers. 
I pray for you always. 

Love always, 
Hermana Clark

May 23 2017

We planned the sweetest missionary work activity. This ward is unbelievable, and we did a bonfire. That is not a normal thing at all in this here pais, but it was sweet. We roasted marshmallows, everyone loved that, and frunas (wannabe starbursts) and got hotdogs, and then we sang songs of the restoration around the fire with the ukulele I bought here. Our ward mission leader gave a message on the restoration, and we had like 7 investigators there. It was SO rad. 
This Saturday that's coming, we have a "Capillas Abiertas" or church open house, and it is gonna be awesome. We are gonna contact like a mad house, it is gonna be so awesome. I'm serious, this stake here in Puno Central is incredible. 

Me and a paloma this morning. Just call me Snow White.

PUNO. Love this place. 

Me and my comp. 

 We went to Cusco for Concilio, and we went to the Mcdonalds in Cusco for the first time in my mission.

Also, a pic of "4 gringas in Puno". I seriously love Hermana Godown and Hermana Calvillo SO much. They are staying with us for a little while, and it is SO fun living with them. They are so wonderful. 
It's so interesting how my whole mission I've never been with gringas, and now I live with 3! Crazy deal.

Tuesday, May 16, 2017

best mothers day ever!

Okay, it was the BEST thing ever talking to you all yesterday. Seriously, that was the highlight of my week, thank you for that.


Went on divisiones with Hermana S, and we stropped for salchipapa, the BEST junk food ever. She is the sweetest , and is enduring to the end through tricky times. Love her. 


This week was good, right now we are in Cusco, and have concilio tomorrow
Went and did service this week for M, an investigator that I love, this week. We swept and cleaned out the house She has a lot of things that she is struggling with right now, one example being giving up going out partying and drinking with her friends. She expressed to us that she knows that the church and all that we have taught her is true, but she has to leave things behind that she hasn't found the strength to do.- 
She said that she didn't feel very in control in her life, like there were a lot of things she wants to improve. 
So we left her with a challenge I have never left before: 
To get up on time, and always make her bed. 
It's something so small, but it's helping her a lot to be able to keep her other  commitments, and that's the point, right? To get people covenant ready. 

This transfer, Hermana Allen and I have decided our theme is "Put on Christ" and every week we do something different to strive to be like Him. 
Love my companion a whole bunch, she is my fave. 

Anyways fam, love you a LOT. Keep on keepin on. 
Love, Hermana Clark

May 8 2017

New area is Puno, Peru! 

Saying goodbye to this sweet family was super hard.
 For that matter, this sweet compi too 

First sunday together (bad hair day too, but whateves, it happens)

Love my new companion Hermana Allen

Today Pday, 4 gringas in a mototaxi. THAT'S something different now. I have been with puras Latinas for the last 3 transfers, and now there are so many from the states with me. It is so strange, but don't get me wrong, I love it. 

Did service with a contact that we made in the streets, it was awesome, some good manual labor. 

These people were playing volleyball in the streets, love that. 

May 1 2017

 Last week, we had gran P day, and it was so fun. We all got together and went to a huge beautiful soccer field in oropesa, and played all sorts of team sports. It was the best. 

This is a pic of us with the sisters that we work with. They are all such good missionaries, and I really have learned so much from each and every one of them. 

 My hands got wrecked in tug a war. I had no intentions of losing, and my hands hurt so bad, and we almost won, but we lost in the championship, so i don't know if it was even that worth it. They are healing up really well.