Monday, August 29, 2016

I Am Blessed

Hello sweetest family!
This week was so weird. They still go by so fast. The mish is crazy. 
My comp arrived, her name is Hermana C and she is from Paraguay. 
This week, I was in Cusco from Tuesday-ThursdayOn Tuesday morning, I had to say goodbye to my sweet Hermana Celán. She will ALWAYS be so special to my heart, and I miss her more than words can say. But, now she's a fancy lil leader, and wow, with reason, because more of the world needs that girl's light. We were truly a dynamic duo, I will not lie. AHH, my heart just misses her. 
Got to Quillabamba on Thursday evening, taught two lessons. They went okay, but I really missed my compi. Right when you know how to teach together, boom. Transfers. 
The next day, my comp got really sick. Threw up her breakfast and her lunch. I understand that. haha. It's really just because the bacteria is different here, it's not that it's bad. I mean, if a Peruvian traveled to some other country and ate the food there, they'd probably get sick too. Anyways, went to the doctor, and she has a intestinal infection, and anemia. Spent all day Friday in the house. That was a long one, but good for her health, I s´pose. 
Saturday was A's baptism! He is an investigator of the Elders that I just LOVE.He reminds me of my little brother, Cole.  He is 14, just so sweet, and has such a desire to do good. Early this week, Alex asked me if I would sing a musical number at his baptism. He asked me to sing, "Come thou Fount" in ENGLISH. I was like, "But, no one will understand!" And he was just like, "please, please!" So that was SUCH a privilege for me. 
Gosh, I love baptisms. Every time, I feel the spirit so strong. I KNOW that this is the true church, and that THIS is the right path, and that through Christ is the ONLY way we can live with our Heavenly Father again. And baptism is the first step. 
Every Saturday, we have Olympícs in the capilla, and this week was basketball. My comp has been sick, so I thought we'd just go watch, because 4 of our investigators were there. I showed up in my dress, just like a normal missionary, but then   one of the other hermanas was like, "Hermana Clark, sub in for me", so I did. And gosh, I felt so cool. First play, in my dress, an elder passed me the ball, and I was outside the 3  and I just thought, ¿Porqué no? and swoosh it went, and wow, lemme tell you, Heavenly Father blesses his missionaries, because when was the last time I played basketball? A LONG TIME. hahaha. That whole night I was so on. I'd like to take my brother on as a missionary, because haha, I was just so blown away. I didn't miss a shot. It was wild. All the members there watching were like, "Hermana Clark! Hermana Clark!"  and to their sons, "That missionary in a skirt is beating you, what are you doing?" I was on a team with the elders and our investigators and gosh, it was just a rockin night. 
That was honestly the biggest tender mercy for me, because this week has been pretty rough, I cannot lie. Please pray for my companion, Hermana Caballero. I feel very grateful to be her companion, and am learning far more than I can say. 
The mish is so good. This week, I got a package of letters from the YW in the stake at girls camp. That was SO wonderful to receive, made me cry for sure. Shout out to the YW of the Spokane East Stake, such sweet girls. 
I like a quote that Sister Call shared with me in that package.
 "On your mission, your sorrows will OUT NUMBER your joys, but your joys will OUT WEIGH your sorrows."
I am so grateful for my JOYS. They are so easy to find, and I have so many, even when life is hard. 
LOVE YOU ALL. Be good, and keep on shining so bright.

I'm going to have a Hija

How is life in the promised land? 
Okay, I can't wait up any longer, and have to tell you. Today is transfers, and we got our emails from president, and guess what? I'm staying in Quilla, wahooooooo. And guess what else? I KNOW for sure that I'll be here until November, because I AM TRAINING A NEW MISSIONARY. The training is 12 weeks, so 3 months, and I just am BEYOND excited. I feel so overwhelmed, and so underqualified. Like, I have barely any time in the mish, and am so so young to be una madre.  (That's what we call trainers, moms, and then the new missionary you train is your hija.) But, I AM SO BLESSED. Quillabamba for 8 months of my mission. What in the world. SO blessed. 
I'm also excited for my hija because she is going to have the best first change ever. My first change we had virtually 0 investigators. We spend our days walking the streets looking for people to teach, and finding members, because my compi opened sector. A lot of times I felt like there is no hope. And a lot of times I wanted to give up.
My hija is going to see B's baptism. She is going to see Hermano G's baptism. She is going to see M's baptism, and cooler than ever, T and J's wedding and baptism! This transfer is going to be GOLD. I am so excited for her. She is so lucky. 
So yeah, this week B told us that he received answer to his prayers, and before he asked to be baptized, he was like, "hermanas, I'm just wondering, what things do I need to do to be a missionary? I have been thinking about my life, and I would really like to be a missionary like you two". Wait. what. um YES. So yeah, we told him that first he would need to be baptized, and he was like, "When?" and we set a date for him for the 3 of Sept. He is super excited. so cool to see. 
T and J. You already know. They are so good. T helped me teach the Word of Wisdom this week in gospel principles. There were a lot of speculative less actives in the class, but T bore powerful testimony that the word of wisdom is God's will for us. He is going to be a stellar leader in the church. 
Hermano G. He's the very best, oh my. His wife is a member, and after attending N's baptism, he decided for sure that he wanted to be baptized. He is so good, so smart and active, like really ready to help and lead in any situation, so I am very excited about him too. Reminds me a lot of my Dad, I don't know why, but this morning at breakfast it made me cry because of how much he reminds me of my dad. Because I miss my dad. (PS dad I think he send you a friend request on Facebook. He's literally the best.) He'll be getting baptized on the 10th of September. Really progressing faster than ever. He asked me to sing a musical number for his baptism, and was like, "There's this really beautiful song in English", and he looked it up, and it was "My heart will go on" from the Titanic. haha that made me laugh, but he really wants me to sing it for his baptism. We'll see what I can do, SO funny. 
Had Olympics here this week with all the youth, Quilla 2016. SO SO COOL, and tried to rep the best-country-in-the-world well. (Because who can NOT be proud of a country that won 121 medals?!) 
Anyways, my mish is gold. Love my life more than words can say. Please pray for me in this new endeavor. I know that training a new missionary isn't super easy, so I am praying for the capacity to teach her to be the best missionary quillabamba has ever seen.
Love you to the moon!


Okee doke, best week in the mish by far. I can't even explain my feelings. I LOVE being a missionary. 
N's baptism was the best day ever. I was stressing hard core for a little bit, because I organized everything for this baptism. Then I thought, wow I wonder how my mom must feel, because she is always doing everything for other people, she does a ton for me. So I just thought, I'm preparing to be a mom, haha. 
I'll be honest, it was a lil bit messy, because the baptism was supposed to start at 10, and N didn't get there till after 10:30 (peruvian time, you know how it is...haha)
And then the Hermana giving the baptism talk had to leave early, and we didn't have a knife for the cake, and just a lot of lil stressful things. haha. 

But, as N went down into the water, with just the biggest smile on her face, all of my little stresses just left, and I felt so much peace. As she was baptized and came back out of the water, my heart was just filled with love, and I think I felt the love that Heavenly Father must feel for Nori. It was SO SO strong, and I know that this is the right path, for ALL people. No matter your age or color or background, the gospel can change YOUR life for the better. I know it. 

I honestly just think I am going to have diarrhea for the rest or my mission. Normal. When I poop normal, that'll be the day, and WILL happen someday. 
So for my mom and my health, I was on a prescription the first time, and then that ended. Got really sick again after that, and went to the lab again. Parasites round 2. Same thing again. It wasn't like a different thing, it was the exact same. Okay, but it's so weird because usually I feel normal. Now I am totally fine. I was on a prescription again, that I took for two weeks every eight hours. I think that wiped it out, but I've honestly just accepted the fact that diarrhea will be the way for a good long while. And that's okay. I am willing to pay that price, because I LOVE MY mission. 
Started teaching B, he is a modern day Joseph Smith, really looking for the truth. He told us her attended the adventist church for a while, said the preacher was really nice, invited Brian into his home for dinner, and Brian said he felt good. But he told us, it was just confusing, because he didn't feel in agreeance with a few of the things they were teaching. He told us that in the church (our church) he felt good, but was still just so confused about the adventist church too, and old us that he was actually baptized catholic as a child. Anyways, I told him, "B, I can tell you as many times as I want that this gospel and this church are true, but you know what? You have to learn that for yourself." All matters of our faith are between us and the Lord. I challenged him to pray to know the truth, and he said he definitely would, and I promised him that he would receive an answer. Heavenly Father wants his children to know the truth. 
And you know what? I didn't leave my home and everything I love at home, take a year off of school and work, to come to Peru, and lie to people. I didn't come here to lie to the people, No, what an absolute waste of time that would be. (Even though Peru es tan bonita) I came here, because I know that what I teach everyday IS TRUE. That God loves us so much that he provided us with the gospel, a foundation for our families, and for our faith. That he provided us a way for him to return back to Him some day, because you know what? I'm sure he misses us. 
Anyways, I asked B, "B, if you pray and you find that this really IS the true church, will you follow the example of Jesus Christ, and be baptized by someone holding the priesthood power of God?" And he said YES. WE set a date for the 27th of August. And I can't wait to hear his answer. The recent convert that came with us to this lesson was just so confident, and she said, "I'll be there at your baptism Brian!" Like, she already knew the answer that he will receive. Because the gospel is TRUE. 
Anyways, best week ever. Love you all forever. Keep on keepin on, and don't be afraid to share what gives YOU the greatest joy in your life with others. LOVE YOU

Cinco meses, how did THAT happen?

Ah, hello familia dearest!
On Tuesday, I went to the lab again, had another good round of throwing up, so I still have my parasites, and it honestly just isn't that fair. I'm like, okay lil friends, move on, I'm sure there are other people who would like to lose weight or get the full Quillabamba experience, but they are my most loyal pals. And had the good ole poop in a cup opportunity again, gotta love that. For these last two weeks, I was only allowed to eat rice and chicken whenever I ate. Nothing else. Every single meal, and I literally never want to see a plate of rice with a lil slab or chicken again in my life. The diet was rough, but the medication is strong, and I honestly am feeling a lot better, so I think that my pals might be gone for good. (Hallelujah.)

I've never told you about one of our investigators,M, the cutest Machiyanga 13 year old girl. She's from a native community, like the people who live in the jungle and are still practicing all their traditions (really makes me think of the Lamanitas) but now she had been living with some members here in Quilla. This week, we set a date for her for the 3 of september. I help her with her english homework, and she is just so cute. 

 Also, I saw my first baptism this week! B, one of the elder's investigators was baptized on saturday. He asked me to give the talk on baptism and that made me feel so so special, so I gave the talk on baptism. It was such a special day, and I felt so much love in my heart as B came up out of the water. Even though the neighbors of the capilla were having a party, and "bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" in english (what in the world, haha) was blaring, and the windows of the capilla don't do much, the spirit could be felt SO strongly. T and J came to the baptism to see how it was, and afterwards we were walking home with them, and I asked T, "What'd you think of the baptism?" and he said, "I'll be honest. I'm a little envious that it wasn't me that was getting baptized." They are so ready. The wedding is coming along, and we are so so excited. Honestly, SO glad it isn't my wedding because it's a lil stressful. We're really trying to get the branch to help out, and there are people who are starting to step up, YAY. I love my branch. There's a lot that's a lil tricky, and we're about to see lots of changes, but I can honestly say that each person here has taken a lil of my heart. They are my family. 
September 30th (their wedding) is going to be a special day, but an even more special day will be in a year, when they are sealed in the temple for time and ALL eternity. I know that we can be with our families for all eternity when we are sealed in the temple. The priesthood has been restored upon the earth, and families can be together forever through that power. It's way cool. 
Anyways, I'm "too blessed to (ever) be stressed" anymore. My life is a huge wonderful blessing to me, and I LOVE being Hermana Clark. 
My Distrona, literally the BEST! 

Read the story of Peter when he tries to walk on water with Christ. 
"I have needed the rescue of the Savior and his hand SO many times. I need Him now, (more than ever before), as do each of you. I have felt confident at times, leaping over the side of the boat, figuratively speaking, into unfamiliar places (my mission), only to realize that I could not (and can not) do it alone. 
-Elder Ronald R. Rasband of the 12 apostles. (with emphasis added by Hermana Clark ;) 

Cleaned the chapel this week in prep for the baptisms, super fun, super funny, a few things that made my stomach a lil weak, but all's well, haha

Saturday, August 6, 2016

Wedding Bells :) :)

The mish is a rollercoaster, ahh. It's so SO good, and so SO hard, and I just love it more than anything. 
On Monday, we went to the fair, and t hat was so fun. The natives, they're called machiyangas, came into town to sell all their cool native things, and I literally wanted to buy EVERYTHING, but then I realized that I have to have money to live after the mish, so I calmed down a bit. But AHH, it was so cool. Gosh, it's so easy for me to buy stuff here, because the dollar is worth more, like 3.4  soles, or algo así. If someone is like "un sole, mamí", I'm literally like, "30 cents?! Yeah, I'll take it, gracias!" But, I've learned to be more careful with my money, learning lots  here, Mom. hehe
On Tuesday, I straightened one of our menos activos hair, and she borrowed one of my dresses for this special event she had at her school. She looked so gorgeous, and it made me so happy. 
On Tuesday, we met with T and J and watched the Restoration vid. Once again, I just felt so strongly that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God. He is such a stud, literally one of my heroes. 
After the movie, we talked for a while about it, and then I asked them, "Have you prayed to know if this is the true church restored upon the earth?" and T said to me, "Honestly, I haven't. Just because from the very first time you all came, I felt  so strongly in my heart that this was the path I need to take, that what you all have taught me is true, and that I need to be baptized" . That was so powerful. So then we told them, okay we want to set a date for your wedding, because if we don't have a solid goal, nothing is going to happen . We gave them til Friday, and prayed with them all together on our knees, for guidance in the Lord's will with their marriage. They prayed after that many times together. They were originally talking January for their wedding,which yeah,  is cool, but SO far away. 
Anyways, we got  there Friday, and T told us he had a dream, in which he knew so clearly that they needed to be married. They told us, "We've decided to be married on the 30th of September." OF SEPTEMBER. IN TWO MONTHS. I was so excited that I cried. They then asked, "And we'd like to be baptized on the 1st of October." Whenever I think of this moment, I just can't stop smiling. Such a happy moment for us all. 
So, call me the wedding planner, because before they set a  date, we said, "We will do anything to help you with this wedding", and now we've got a date so soon, and you know, we gotta keep our word. I AM SO EXCITED. I l ove weddings,  and I can't wait to plan it. I honestly don't know how to plan a wedding, so any advice  (aka mom, grammy, nat, les, all my aunts, gma, etc) would be SOSOSO appreciated, wow. There is just so much to do! Ah, my heart is so excited! 
Also, our investigator Nori is going to arrive at her date for the 13th of Agosto, so we will see a baptism SO soon, and I am just so excited for N. We have worked so hard with her to help her change her life, and she has such a STRONG desire to be baptized. She is the cutest thing. 
We did an activity where we went out with the members, and contacted people, like just talked to lots of people about the gospel. I was paired with a girl named Ana, and she was so shy.
She was afraid to open her mouth and tell people about the gospel, and that day we  learned a lot together. By the end of it, she brought me with her to visit one of her friends to share the gospel with, and it was awesome. I have learned  so much about this. As she told me, "I don't know, I'm just afraid that they'll tell me no." But you know what I've learned? Why be scared when you are sharing the most important message in the entire world? It isn't  an obligation, it is an invitation for all people. The invitation is to follow Christ. And you know what? People are going to say no. We always have the choice. But, His arm is always outstretched. ALWAYS.  I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the church that Jesus Christ established when he  was on the earth. When he called 12 apostles, and gave them priesthood power. I know that the power of the  priesthood is once again upon the earth, and because our Heavenly Father loves us, He has called a prophet, Thomas S Monson, to lead  and guide us. And I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of His children. His plan is perfect. 
Love you all a million, and am praying always! Thank you for your prayers, I feel them here as a missionary. 
PS shoutout to my lil brother C-Clark. Love you buddy