Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Weeks 8 and 9

Hello, hello another week in Peru!
Dad asked that I share specifically about individuals, and so that's my purpose today!

 We made brownies for the mothers on Mother's Day! 

First of all, we have N.. N is 22, and has two kids. She's not married, We've been praying for her, and fasting, and she needed to make the decision to either be married or break up with her boyfriend, and we were rooting for marriage, but that was REALLY unlikely to happen. Anyways, this week as we visited her, she told us that her boyfriend broke up with her for good, and guess what? She wasn't even sad, or anything (they've had lots of problems). Point is, now we can get her in white! She just needs to attend church, she has problems with work as well. But, we've been working hard with her. 

I spoke about Hermano L in my voice recording..

Hermana A and her family. She has two kids, her great uncle is her husband, it's kind of an interesting situation. We've been working hard with them. G her son LOVES basketball, and always wants to talk the NBA with me, which cracks me up, because I know NOTHING about the NBA, but thanks to J and C, I can talk about it just fine, haha. They are members, A, G,, and A, her daughter, but their dad isn't, so we are working with them 

We found a new investigator this week, which was what we were fasting for! WAHOOOO! Her name is M, she's probably late 40's, and man oh man, I can tell that she has endured much hardship in her life. She sells chicha, juice, in the streets, and that's how we met her. We taught her the first lesson this week, sitting on the curb of the street, because her husband and his friends were drinking inside. He came outside, and as he approached us, said something that I didn't understand, but I had no idea that he was drunk NOR what he had said, so I stuck out my hand to him, and said, "Hola, como esta? Soy Hermana Clark", with the biggest grin on my face. I think that he was surprised. Later, Hermana Celan told me, "Hermana Clark, you showed no fear with that drunk husband!", haha. It was really just because I didn't know what was going on. M is very timid, but when we left the lesson, she kissed me on the cheek. I see progress in our friendship already! hehe

M was inactive, but we've worked a lot with her, and now she attends church every week! She is getting strong in the gospel, it's really cool to see. She comes with us sometimes when we teach our investigators, and she is just so sweet, such a strength. 

We met a family this week, the O family, and WOW, I see SO SO SO much potential in that family. I'll keep you updated on them. They have A (18), R (14), and E (21), and E is about to have her baby! They are inactive, and E isn't a member, so we are going to work with them. I am super excited. 

Also, our branch is pretty small, about 40 people.. And the weather is so hot every day, i thought you should know that. 
Where I go to church

Am I able to do much with my music?  Funny that you ask! This week they asked me help organize a choir for our  District meeting (Stake Conference) con Presidente Harbertson. So, that was so cool! I've been praying to find ways that I can help specifically, and this is an answer to prayers! 
Anyways, that's a little of this week, We still don't have a lot, but it was a great week in every other aspect! 
Where I live

My spanish is getting so much better! This week, our pension told me, " you are so much more tranquila lately, like no worries, and a lot more confident". That made me feel pretty good, and I've been able to converse with people SO well this week. I'm feeling your prayers for sure, so thank you for praying for me. :)

Monday, May 2, 2016


Hehe, That's how you pronounce it. So fun, huh? Quillabamba, wahoo. 

Life is crazy.

 And I have to be honest, this week has been a rough one. 
I'm pretty tall in America. I get told that all the time. 
Here, WOAH. I've been thinking, if people invested a dollar for every time I've been called alta, grande, giganta, grandisima, altisima, altasa, OR motioned at with raising their hand high above their head in the air, after 18 months, I would have enough money to beat Donald Trump out, and be the Republican candidate, and carry America to victory...wouldn't that just be so rad.