Monday, May 2, 2016


Hehe, That's how you pronounce it. So fun, huh? Quillabamba, wahoo. 

Life is crazy.

 And I have to be honest, this week has been a rough one. 
I'm pretty tall in America. I get told that all the time. 
Here, WOAH. I've been thinking, if people invested a dollar for every time I've been called alta, grande, giganta, grandisima, altisima, altasa, OR motioned at with raising their hand high above their head in the air, after 18 months, I would have enough money to beat Donald Trump out, and be the Republican candidate, and carry America to victory...wouldn't that just be so rad.

But, missionary work is my call, sorry world. 

A lot of times I feel like a rock here. A rock that gets called on to pray. (because I can pray really well in Spanish, because I have done prayed SO many times) It's really tricky to truly express myself in a language I barely know. BUT, I am doing my best. 

Our pension's husband, L, is about 60 years old, and has no front teeth. He is a really quirky guy, but he loves to teach me spanish! He's always saying, "Usted sabe que es..." and usually my answer is no. One day, I started to cry as I talked to him, and he told me in Spanish, "Me. Me and my family. We will always be here if you need to cry, and we will always help you. No worries hija." Our pension fam is so stinkin cool. 

One night, Hermana Celan and I went and bought dessert, which wow, was SO needed. After, we went to teach a man and to share a scripture. We were sitting in his house singing "Soy un Hijo de Dios" and I spotted the dog in the corner of my eye starting to get into my dessert. No way, not today. I reached down to pull the bag away, and this little yipper growled at me, and kept trying to get it, and as I grabbed the bag, that annoying lil dog bit my finger, and then I kicked the dog out of the way, and grabbed our desserts. 

P-day featuring just that.. a random dog

I can't even put into numbers how many random dogs there are here. SO many. Quillabamba is infested with dogs. (or maybe peru in general, idk) 

We went to President Chavez's farm this week. He has naranja trees, and cacao growing on trees (I think that's where cocoa comes from, but I'm not positive, because President is really hard to understand. ) 
 President's Farm

Lots more has been going on, but something that had great significance to me this week was one morning when I was reading in my scriptures, in Alma 26 in The Book of Mormon. . I was so confused why I felt so exhausted and why everything has been SO hard here.., if I am doing the Lord's work. I mean, shouldn't he make it easy for me, because I'm doing a good thing? 
In verse 30, it says "And we have suffered all manner of afflictions, and all this, that perhaps we might be the means of saving some soul, and we supposed that our joy would be full if perhaps we could be the means of saving some."

 This is not an easy work, because we're talking salvation! Salvation! That is a big deal, and I know that after this trial of my faith, I will see the blessings.

It's like the refiner's fire. When coal is changed to a diamond and if we kept the heat on lukewarm, what would happen? NADA. We have to endure the uncomfortable, the difficult, the heat, in order to become truly like our Savior Jesus Christ. 
The Capilla

Thanks to each and everyone one of you for the emails, and for the prayers. I pray for you ALWAYS. 
Lotsa love all the way from Quillabamba
Adapting to my habitat! 

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