Tuesday, May 16, 2017

best mothers day ever!

Okay, it was the BEST thing ever talking to you all yesterday. Seriously, that was the highlight of my week, thank you for that.


Went on divisiones with Hermana S, and we stropped for salchipapa, the BEST junk food ever. She is the sweetest , and is enduring to the end through tricky times. Love her. 


This week was good, right now we are in Cusco, and have concilio tomorrow
Went and did service this week for M, an investigator that I love, this week. We swept and cleaned out the house She has a lot of things that she is struggling with right now, one example being giving up going out partying and drinking with her friends. She expressed to us that she knows that the church and all that we have taught her is true, but she has to leave things behind that she hasn't found the strength to do.- 
She said that she didn't feel very in control in her life, like there were a lot of things she wants to improve. 
So we left her with a challenge I have never left before: 
To get up on time, and always make her bed. 
It's something so small, but it's helping her a lot to be able to keep her other  commitments, and that's the point, right? To get people covenant ready. 

This transfer, Hermana Allen and I have decided our theme is "Put on Christ" and every week we do something different to strive to be like Him. 
Love my companion a whole bunch, she is my fave. 

Anyways fam, love you a LOT. Keep on keepin on. 
Love, Hermana Clark

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