Sunday, April 10, 2016


¡Mi querido familia!
Hello hello, another fabulous week in Paradise.
This week went by so fast, it feels like just yesterday that I was
hurriedly writing you all letters, yet here I am once again. WAHOO 
Also, today is our 1 month mark, and how did that happen?! Crazy crazy.
Well, the new missionaries all arrived safely, and they are all doing
good. Hermana Haws and I are really loving being the sister leaders,
because through it, we get to have little chats with all the hermanas.
(they call them interviews here in the CCM, but I say that is too
formal.) All of the hermanas are so wonderful. One night this week,
one of the Hermanas was washing her clothes, and her comp took them
out, but too early. So her wet clothes sat for a little bit, and then
when she got back to the room, she was already having a little bit of
a rough day, and so that was just the dealbreaker. Anyways Hermana
Haws and I tried to discretely go run them up to the drier to help
out, but literally NONE of the driers would work. We tried everything,
and finally Hermana Haws was like, “Do you have a hair dryer?” and so
we took the clothes down to the bathroom, and hairdryed our other
sweet Hermanas clothes.
It was so funny in the moment, and I literally thought that my hair
dryer was going to blow up in my hands. Everyone who was having the
siempres that week were probably really grateful for us, because that
hairdryer burnt out any other smell existing. It smelled like fire for
a day or so.
I LOVE all the people here. I’ve gotten really close with the
missionaries in my district, and I know without a doubt that we will
be life-long friends. They are some of the best people I have ever
known, and my heart is full of love for them. Today all the other
Hermanas received packages from home, and mine has quite yet come. I
thought it would be here this week, but I can always hope for next
week, right?  Anyways, I found a package on my bed, with my name and
the address of the CCM & everything, and inside it, I found little
notes from all the hermanas in my room, and little candies. They had
compiled things from their packages to make a package for me. When I
opened it, my heart just was so full, and I cried happy tears as they
all came and hugged me. The love in the CCM is unreal, I am SO
blessed. Love them to pieces.
The highlight of the week was by FAR General Conference. Hearing the
prophet speak was a miracle in my life. I have always taken conference
for granted a little bit, but this time, it literally filled my heart
to hear servants of the Lord speak to us. As the voice came on and
started to say, “This is the 186th semiannual conference…”, my eyes
filled with tears of joy. I’m so grateful that my parents had us
recognize the apostles voices by name because now whenever I hear
them, I feel like I know them, like hearing my friends’ voices from
And let´s be real. When Elder Holland talked about us not wanting
tomorrow to come after conference, he was talking to the missionaries.
I had the biggest conference hangover ever. I mean, I don’t know what
a real hangover feels like, but I think probably feels something like
that. (hehe kidding)
I loved all the music at conference, but especially hearing MY choir
from BYUI. What in the world, that was the biggest blessing ever to
see familiar faces from home, especially to see Sister Lord’s face,
out sweet director. They paned over the top row once, and I saw the
kids I sat by last semester! I would have been on GENERAL CONFERENCE.
But, I´m so glad I was here watching them all the way from Peru
It was so cool when at the beginning of conference, President Eyring
said something to the effect of, “People are gathered from around the
world to listen to conference, yet it feels as if we are in one big
hall”. Isn’t that the truth? It felt so special to know that in Peru
and in good ole Valleyford, my family and I were doing the exact same
thing. How cool. 
The highlight highlight HIGHLIGHT of this week was when President
Monson got up to speak. I feel so grateful for his guidance, and the
light he is in my life. I feel like President Monson and I have been
lifelong pals, and I KNOW with all my heart that he is a prophet of
God. Anyways, it is always such a joy and privledge especially since
his health is declining. When he got up to speak, he announced 4 new
temples. He announced the first 3, and then he said, “And a 2nd temple
in LIMA PERU” Woah WHAT. Oh my lanta, it was the most exciting thing
ever. Let be reiterate the craziness of this announcement: The only
other place with 2 temples in one city is Provo. Provo Utah and Lima
Peru. As I heard the words “Lima, Peru”, I felt strong feelings in my
heart that the work here is just beginning. It is blossoming right
now, and I felt Heavenly Father saying to me, “Hermana Clark, people
are waiting and ready. You go find them.”I mean, que en el mundo?! Of
all places in the whole world. I know that Heavenly Father has a great
work for me to do, and that the growth of the church here is like a
jet that is just about to take off on the runway.
I feel my calling to serve here in this beautiful land even greater
than before. What a wonderful time to be alive. God is so very aware
of his people in Peru, I know that for sure.
I’m grateful for the mission. For missionaries here in the CCM. For
the beautiful weather every darned day.
But most of all, I’m grateful for my Savior, Jesus Christ. He is my
brother, my example, my friend.  He and my Heavenly Father are aware
of my life, and continue to bless me. And they want to bless you too,
because they love you SO much.
Don’t any of you ever forget it.
Praying for you all ALWAYS.
Love, Hermana Clark

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