Monday, September 12, 2016

dos compañeras y MUCHO trabajo

This week was so interesting. Really fast and really long all at the same time. 
I am working in a trio with the hermanas that are serving in the other branch here. They are so wonderful, I really love them loads, and it's actually pretty fun to be in a trio. Hermana Firth and Hermana Riveros are their names, from Wyoming and Lima. The only thing that isn't fun is sleeping on the ground every night at their house, and not having enough time to do ANYTHING, because we are working in two sectors. I've been able to visit those that are progressing, and work a lot more than the last two weeks with Hermana Caballero, but it just isn't the same. I want a compi! Like, yesterday, Hna Maria accompanied me, because on Sunday we have different schedules, they go to church at 10 and me at 8, with branch counsel, and so I literally felt so weird in the chapel alone. At night, for 30 mins, this 18 year old girl accompanied as I waited for my companions, and we went to the devotional for young single adults, and that was just the weirdest thing, haha. I was like, oh gosh, so glad to be a missionary. hehe. But it was awesome, Elder Cook spoke. 
What else? B is good. T and J are good, Hermano G is the best. I didn't take time to prepare and think of things to tell you all, and now I am drawing a blank. oops. 
A bag of chicha a lady insisted on giving me in the streets, that I did NOT drink. I am learning real good here. ;)

J surprised me this week and told me that she was facebook friends with "Brent and Jenifer Clark" this week. I was like, what in the world, but she found out my name somehow and she showed me the sweetest email she sent to my family. Gosh, I love her. She also asked me if I would sing at her wedding this week. Um, OF COURSE I WILL. 
We played volleyball yesterday at the church, and that was a blast and a half. 
Had a really cool experience of feeling the spirit work through me this week. We were teaching one of our investigators, (I won't say who) and they were clearly going through a difficult time. We were going to teach about missionary work, but the spirit told me really strong to talk about the atonement. As I shared my testimony, I felt the spirit so strong as I shared with them a quote by Elder Holland that Elle shared with me in a letter, "He suffered alone, so that we wouldn't have to". Our investigators were crying, and their countenances just changed during that lesson, from sad and without hope, to ready to conquer all. 
I love you all and know that the atonement is real. 
I got a package this week! Thanks Familia

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