Monday, April 10, 2017

April 3rd, 2017

Okay, this top picture is THE COOLEST. This store let us borrow their traditional clothes to take a pic, and it was the sweetest, but it was also a little sketchy, I thought they were gonna rob us (hence why I'm not looking at the camera, haha) and it would've been so easy to do it! Don't worry mom and dad, I'm street smart, always lookin' out. ðŸ˜Ž 

Well, I took this pic with a la piedra de 12 angulos ( the rock with 12 angles) and then a man yelled at me "Doo not tach!!". So I got a legendary picture of me touching the rock with 12 angles (that is FAMOUS) and that's not allowed. SO cool! haha
Me and my comp (who I love) are Cusquenas to the core!! 

In my sweet lil (BIG BUSY) town. 
Went and explored el centro last P-day- Holy wow, I love that place, it is magical.

We also had Concilion this week, and I saw my FAVE person, mi hijita Hermana Asang. Oh my, I adore her. So, now she is in Abancay, and we're their hermana leaders and they are ours. My hijita is my hermana leader, is that cool or cool? 

And then me and my sweet Hermana Barrientos. She is the BEST. A real answer to prayers. 

Planned the zone meeting this week with the ZL's. That always takes a good chunk of time, but it was awesome! 


Me and a goat that joined us in a lesson. That's pretty neat. 

And another thing, a missionary came to stay with us this week. She is Hermana Marca, and is a really sweet girl. That was fun for us to be in a trio this week. 

And then, me and my compi., 

It was Edu's 6th birthday. He is the sweetest boy, and I love this family with all my heart.
(mom and dad, I cannot wait for you to meet them)

We also did zone pday, and did olympics and we were winner winners, and brought home the cookie dinner. ha :) (I guess I was super excited about it too, bc the only pic I have I'm lookin at my cookies. YUM.)  
1- A pic for my momma. :) Wasn't conference just the best? I am SO SO happy to be a missionary for this wonderful church, and more importantly, for the Lord. I KNOW with all my heart that THIS is His work, and I couldn't be doing something more wonderful and rewarding. 

ALSO, BEST EVER. Our convert Brian from Quilla was in town, and he attended the conference. I got to see him, and oh my goodness, that kid only continues to progress and it is so cool to see. It makes me feel oh so grateful for the gospel of Jesus Christ and how it changes people. Brian shared with me his conference notes, and is still so pumped to serve a mission (came to every session in his suit, that's a future missionary!) I have so much love for every single person I have worked with in this beautiful country, a love that confirms to me that we seriously all ARE brothers and sisters. SO cool. He said, "Hna clark, as I listened to Elder Costa's talk, I thought, "man, I can't wait to share my story across the pulpit like that. And hermana clark, you had better know that you are going to be in it." That was the coolest thing, I have worked with him from the very beginning, and it is just so cool to see. 

Love you All! 

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