Tuesday, June 21, 2016

carta ( yo tengo 3 meses en la misión!)

Moms and Pops, 
Wow mom, thank you so much for the audio. I LOVE HEARING YOUR VOICE. 
I don't think it's necessarily "easier" to do audios, because I'll listen to the whole of it when I get back to our room on the dvd player, but it is so nice, and would be so nice to receive one audio a week. If one of you can send one each week, that would be the coolest. My internet hour is slowly getting less stressful, because I never have time to write people, and so slowly people aren't writing me too, which honestly makes it easier. (as long as I know everything is well at home, all are healthy and happy.) 
This week was another great one. My life is so routine now here, it's like I've been living in Quilla all my life. I know my way around, all the members know my name, and call on me when they need help, I can give people directions here in our sector, and I know our phone number by heart. (hehe, that's a little thing I've been working on)
Juice in a bag!
My Arch Nemisus! 

I love talking to people about America here. Their perceptions of America are so funny, that everything in America is NYC and we are all robots. haha, I love it. The youth always ask me to sing popular american songs, songs by Justin Bieber or One Direction, because I'm from America and can speak English. I love it.
Speaking of music, I've been teaching piano lessons! That's a new exciting thing! I felt inadequate, but have in depth prepared and right now am teaching 3 girls, one is 13, one is 6 and one is 10. They had their first lesson saturday, and will have a 30 min lesson every week. Play the piano in a  branch in Quillabamba for sacrament meeting, and they will have music for as long as I am here, but teach a girl HERE to play, and they will have music for a lifetime!
This week, I also hemmed our investigator Nori's pants! 
What in the world GRAMS, who would've thought when you were teaching me to hem the week before I left on my mission that I'd be hemming someone's pants so soon! (well, I guess YOU did, that's probably why you taught me. SO grateful for my Grammy)
T and J only continue to progress. Their little boy C  is 2 and he LOVES Bubble Guppies. Everytime we visit him, I think of Lincoln Jay. (who is 4 now, what in the world, stop growing please Mr. Link) 
T and J are the realist investigators I have had. They keep their commitments, pray, and attend church with us. They ask questions like, "what is the little cup of water and the bread when we go to church?" and "what is the correct way to be baptized?" They are unreal, and my heart is full of love for them. They are a part of my extended family, I'm pretty sure. Love them 
But, that doesn't mean their lives are perfect. I have come to know that we are ALWAYS going to find problems in families as we teach on our missions. Because we all have problems in our lives, right? 
BUT. I KNOW with all my heart that there is no problem that the gospel of Jesus Christ can't fix. We have the opportunity to repent every day, and we have the hope, that through Christ, we can live with our loving Heavenly Father again, in happiness that will last forever. 
I invited one of our investigators, R, to be baptized this week. R has SO many problems, and maybe isn't making the best choices in her life. She has lots of problems with her children, and they don't get along. (She's probably 50-60ish)
I felt prompted to tell her this week, "if you are preparing for baptism, and are truly repenting, and are trying with all YOUR efforts to be like our Savior and follow His example, I can PROMISE you R that you will feel peace in your relationships with your children and you will start to feel all your burdens lifted". 
I would say the same to all of you. Do not "doubt the Lord and all his goodness", because I KNOW that you have "proved Him in days that are past". You have learned for yourself the goodness of the gospel, and the happiness you can have through it. If everyone would strive to be a little more like Christ, not only would the world be a better place, but we'd feel better about ourselves and feel HAPPY about our lives. 
I really like 4 NE 1:15. The people loved each other because they loved God. 
And I love my Heavenly Father SO stinkin much. And he loves us too. 
Love you all forever! Grateful for your prayers. I feel and need them here as a missionary. 
Love, Hermana Clark

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