Tuesday, June 21, 2016

May 30, 2016 MIRACLE

Hello hello to the people I love most!
How are you? Dad, guess what. I received THREE (yes, 3) of your packages this week. Wow wow wow, they made me jump for joy. I loved every single part of them. The medical masks cracked me up, oh my word. hahaha, Dad you are the best.  
 My package! 

 The masks from you Dad, haha

Necklace from Dad, what a treasure! 

And the pics of Christ. MEET THE MORMONS! Band aids! Candy! My favorite thing of all is the necklace. I am going to wear it every single day of my mission. No really. It has given me so many opportunities to bear my testimony, because people ask, "what does your necklace say?" and then I tell them, "Usted puede hacer cosas dificiles" and then I tell them why. It's so awesome!
Anyways, I have a testimony of miracles. And now, boy do I ever. 
 Ku-Ku-Ku-Quilla. (that's my nickname for this wondeful place)

This week, we taught T and J for the first time.  We found them last week at the capilla (yes, at the capilla) that wanted to know more about the church. As we have started to teach them, they told us that last Sunday, they got into a mototaxi and told the driver, "take us to a church!" They literally live across the street from the largest Catholic church in all of Quillabamba, and the driver took them to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. Wait what.  It's a miracle, it really is. They are so good, SO good. They seem like they are members, and I can't wait until they are. We will see how things go, but they have such good desires, and hearts full of faith. T and J, and their little one, C. I love them so much already. 

 We brought R, a soon to be missionary with us to our first lesson, and the spirit in their home as we taught was so strong. We taught them again this week, and then they asked us if they could feed us dinner? What in the world, am I dreaming? I think I am. In our second lesson, T told us, "Hermanas, you have such a special spirit, and I already know you both are going to be a special part of our lives" I am crying as I type, because gosh, how great a privilege I have.  I know the gospel is true, and I know that I am here for a specific reason. I don't know for sure whether they will be baptized, but the Lord does, and he's allowing me, me Hermana Clark, to teach this sweetest family.
: Keep your eye out for Elder U! He is going to serve in POCATELLO IDAHO!: 

 I want so bad for them to have every blessing possible. This church is true. I know it. I know God hears our prayers. There is no coincidence, only the great goodness of our sweet Heavenly Father. I love Him so much, and am grateful for his hand of help in all I do. Love you all, and continue to pray & I'll do the same! 
Lotsa love forever all the way from Quillabamba!
 My favorite meal here, and I don't know how to pronounce the name!
Hna maria and yuli, my bffs here, haha. 

Happy Birthday Jackson!

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