Monday, December 26, 2016


Okay guess  what. Dad you aren't gonna believe it, but guess what?!
Today is transfers, and I have my first transfer in the mission! And I am headed to...
Is that sweet or what? Oh my goodness, I am so excited. And I am going to be Hermana leader there in a ward called Vista Alegre. It's so crazy because I am going to be companions with my hermana leader right now, Hermana Alburqueque. And soooo....I will be the Hermana leader over Quillabamba, which means that I will be Hermana Asang's hermana leader which just gives me so much relief. So, I will get to come to Quillabamba still, like once a transfer, and do divisiones here in Quilla. Is that crazy or what? I am so happy. 
You know, I have always been really scared about this day, because I'm serious when I say that Quillabamba is my whole heart, and I was just like, "Dang, it's just gonna be so painful", and I will be honest, it totally has been, and I've been really sentimental. Like, today it has just been raining hard, and I know that the clouds are just empathizing with me, with all my tears. But I also feel so much peace in this, and I am really excited for a change. 
Leaving Quilla is going to be like leaving my family in the airport all over again. I mean, I've been here for my entire mission, passed the halfway point. 
But here's a cool story. (just for my mom, dad, sibs)
Well, I've told you a lot about my branch president. First it was that he talks so fast, then that he wasn't my favorite, and a lil arraogant, and just a lot of things. Well, I knew that he always was a fan of mine, even though he acted as if he could care less all the time. Our relationship really grew these last 3 transfers, and I asked if we could take a picture before I left. He was all dificult about it, like, "yeah, I guess". We take the picture, and then are saying goodbye, and presidente shakes my hand, and presidente says, "Hermana Clark, gracias por todo" and he starts to cry. I was so moved, because he is super duro. I mean, look at this pic I have with them. He is so like that. Right after, he left so fast, because I think he was embarrased to cry. It was really sweet.
My christmas was the best. Seriously. We had a noche navideña with B and his family. Was so special and we read Luke 2, and then sang christmas carols. We all had matching hats, and here's a lil knome named R reading the scriptures. He's B's little brother, and is just my fave ever, so cute. 
Hermana Chana made us a Christmas dinner to eat in our room, because it is tradition to eat Christmas dinner at midnight on christmas  eve. (But, since we are missionaries and can't be outside after 9:30, we woke up at 12 and ate dinner me and my comp. It was soooo good. Hermana Chana is so wonderful, she's one of my mamitas here, hehe.) 
W made us christmas dinner too. Gosh, I love her, she is so funny and so cute. We had "segundo de tallarin con papa y pollo" haha, the best!
My video llamada was the absolute best. Seriously, so special. Cole sang to me, and I cried my eyes out the whole time. Then, everyone shared a little bit of their year with me, elles took a pic with her polaroid, and we all said family prayer together at the end. It was so special. I will never EVER forget that skype. 
Okay, gotta go fam, we need to go and say goodbye to every home in Quilla. Waaaaa, but it will be good. I am so happy and at peace. Love ya lots! I know this is what I am supposed to be doing. 
Love my life! And LOVE YOU! 
HAPPU NEW YEAR! Eat a piece of birthday cake in my honor this Saturday! hehe
Love, Hermana Clark
Picture of me with my branch President.

A pic of me and my best pal. It was so  special when Cole sang for me, I cried the whole darned time. I will NEVER forget that.

My Christmas dinners:)

Hermana asang and I bought gitfts for eachother secret, and we both bought each other watches. How cute, right? haha

Nori, My sunshine



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