Monday, February 20, 2017

SWEET is the peace the gospel brings

Pic of me and my fave gringas. (Hnas Firth, Bingham (from my group) and Allred)

First of all, Hna Firth had her birthday in Cusco with us, because we had Concilio. That was the bomb, because I got to egg her real good. (a lil bit of payback, because she egged me for my birthday too) She's ending this transfer, and she said, "If I find this pic on your blog when I get home, so help me" PLEASE put it on the blog mom. hahaha😂

Me and my groupies. Such good pals.

I had the best week. I'm serious. 
So full of love. So filled with the Spirit. It was the best. 
Lots of miracles. Started on Monday night when we went to go visit a recent convert, Hermana Pirra. We have to travel to Alto Qosco to visit her, and we usually have to catch a bus, because it's a good ways up there. As we started out to the the bus stop, I thought, "gosh, I wonder when the chaski (the name of the bus) will pass" because usually we wait for like 20 minutes at least. And right as we stepped out onto the sidewalk, I felt the impression to look up, and there was the chaski almost flying by. I threw my arm out like a maniac to stop it, and it braked and we were able to get right on! 
Then we get on the bus, me and my comp were able to make 3 easy contacts during the bus ride! 3!! 
I didn't have a pen, and I was desperately looking for one to take down this mom with 3 children's info and in the bottom of my bag was ONE PEN. Miracle, I'm serious. 
I had also loaned my one jacket to a sister who needed it that day, and so I went jacketless that night in cold Cusco, and that night I didn't even feel cold. Heavenly Father showed his love to me in so many ways all at once. I count them miracles. ❤

This was the best experience for me. As the hermana leaders, we go and do splits with the hermanas that serve in quilla, and it. was. the. best. And it wasn't even weird for me. People asked me how I felt about being back and I said, "at home". Love that little pueblito. 
Got to visit Vanessa, and my favorite pequeñita locita Avril. Love them. 
Then ran into serious one of my fave people EVER Laura in the streets. I cried, and couldn't stop smiling. 

Also, we got to teach a lesson at Brian's house, because now his dad is taking the discussions. Brian is the BOMB! 

Ran into my practically family, Mamita Ildania and her husband Luis, my pension family when I got there. Wow, CRIED about that. I adore them, and they have such a special place in my heart.

One of my hobbies here is negotiating taxies. That is to say, when we have to go somewhere and we can't take the bus, or we have to haul the luggage of a missionary, we flag down a taxi, open the door, and they tell you how much it is to go to the place you want, how much it costs. Then, you try to lower the price. And lemme tell you, I am GOOOOD at it. It is one of my hidden talents, I'd say, haha. At first, my comp didn't want to let me do the talking, because I'm a "gringa" and she's Peruana, and they charge white people like crazy. But then, she started to realize that I could lower the price even more. Today a man wanted to charge us 10 soles to go into town from Satsayhuaman, and I lowered it to 5! That was a good one, I took a bow! 
 I'm willing to teach anyone when I get home. haha, no kidding, but it's something I enjoy, and there's a definite tactic. haha, just a lil part of my life to tell ya. 

Satsayhuaman, THE BEST. I had such a lovely day, I'm serious. 

Let me tell you, that subject line is true. The gospel has brought me more happiness than I can say, and I always say things like that, but I felt the real sweet peace that the gospel brings this week, and I want to feel that way forever. And we can. I am 100% willing to do whatever it takes to do so. 

Love you all! Keep on keepin' on, and remember how much a little Peruvian missionary loves you! Thank you for your support in all that I do. I'll continue to pray for you all SIEMPRE. 
Lotsa love, 
Hermana Clark

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