Monday, March 13, 2017

UN ANO, how bout that?

These girls crack me up. Oh my goodness, you would love R. She is HILARIOUS. (she´s the one that's laughing in the pic.) Seriously, when I am with her, I think, "Cole would love her", she makes me laugh so hard all the time, and is just so genuine and sweet like Lincoln Jay.
We had a lesson this week with L and V where V decided to be my compi Hna Alburqueque, and L was "Hermana Clark". They decided that THEY were going to teach us about diezmo, and it was so funny how she picked up on some of my mannerisms. She did her best to talk like a gringa, and she said, "ohh my guuudness", and talked with her hands, like I do. It was so funny, and it was a really cool lesson too, to see how much they have learned. And I don't know, it also showed me how much those two precious little girls were watching us, and how we always need to set a good example. I was proud of the way that L imitated me, haha, and when she acted up, and got a lil sassy (classic for her), her mom said, "that's not how hna Clark acts" and L said, "Soy Hermana Clark, renovada". oh brother...hahaha

Cusquito❤can anyone get tired of that view?

Well, I'm an oldie now.
I have been in PERU for a year now. How is that possible?
So, one year in the misi贸n, and "wiser too".... here's a lil bit from Hermana Clark to you all:
 This week I taught a few lessons where I seriously had to stand up for what I believe. That doesn't happen all the time, in this wonderful country, where just about everyone believes in God. The first was a woman named Conci, who belongs to an Evangelist church. That church is interesting for me, because they really do teach a lot of truths, there's just a few things that are a lil' off. We had been visiting her,I guess she didn't realize that we were, "Mormons" when we told her that we were missionaries from The Church of Jes煤s Christ of Latter Day Saints. She freaked out when we started to talk about the Book of Mormon (because we started with the plan of salvation, and she loved it, and agreed with all that we had said), but she said, "YOU'RE MORMONS? I don't receive Mormons or Jehovah's witnesses. I will never worship Joseph Smith, and read a book that he wrote".
I was like *facepalm*.
1. We don't worship Joseph Smith. We worship God, and his Son, Jes煤s Christ is the head of our church.
 2. Joseph Smith didn't write The Book of Mormon.
But, she was just so stuck in the rumors that she had heard before that I knew that now, she wasn't listening to a word we were saying like she had listened before. All she wanted to do was argue, and I didn't want to argue. But,I testified with my whole heart, and I testified of the reality of Christ's church on the earth today. I was really straight forward, and creo que la quem茅 un pocito.
We ended and afterwards, I told my comp, "I felt the spirit so strong in that lesson" and she agreed, and I told her she spoke with the Spirit and it was powerful, and she told me the same. But, nothing happened with Hermana Conci.  She was still so stubborn at the end of the lesson, and didn't want anything to do with us. We came to the conclusi贸n, that as missionaries, our words can go as far as her heart, but if she doesn't open it, she will never change.
----->ll❤ It's like this. Nothing that I ever say will enter into the hearts of anyone, if they don't want to feel it. It takes the desire of that person too.
The spirit is what touches the hearts of us all.
Another was Antio, a teenager that doesn't believe in God. (not common at all here) My compi was so thrown off, and she told me after, "I have never met someone that doesn't believe in God".
Isn't that something so beautiful about Peru? A belief in God and the Savior. I felt the Spirit so strong in that lesson too, and he was VERY ornery the whole time. But I felt there was a little opening to his heart, unlike the other lesson with the hermana.
It would be easy to get discouraged in these situations, but it doesn't discourage me one bit. Because in both opportunities, I felt even stronger of the reality of God, that He really does love his children. That The Book of Mormon is NOT the mormon bible, (but thanks for that attempt) but is Another Testament of Jes煤s Christ, and His ministry to his "other sheep" (John 10:16) in the American continent. And that the Church of Jes煤s Christ of Latter Day Saints IS the church that Jes煤s established when he came to the earth and called 12 apostles and gave them the priesthood, or the power of God.
It so is, I have no doubt.
Antio was trying to give me some ant-mormon info, and I said, "Antio, you can't change my mind"
God is real, I know it.
The church is true. I know it.
The Book of Mormon is true. I know that too.
Joseph Smith was called to restore the church in these latter days. Without a doubt.
Jes煤s came to the earth so that we might live with our Heavenly Father again. TRUE.
 So, don't be discouraged when you share what makes you happy (the G贸spel), and people tell you no. Or tell you that you are wrong. Or have a whole lotta information to prove the g贸spel wrong. Because if that experience didn't help them, it will surely help you, if you be brave and stay strong.
Also, there's a hymn in spanish called "Hoy sembramos la semilla"
It says:,
Hoy sembramos la semilla: una bien, la otra mal;
una entre tierra buena, otra entre pedregal;
en terreno preparado una parte se sembr贸;
otra parte no dio fruto, y entre piedras se qued贸;
Or in other words:
Today we plant the seed, one well, another not quite
One in good soil, another in rocky soil
The one that was planted in prepared land started to grow
But, the other didn't give fruit, and in rocks it stayed (and nothing happened)
 Interesting, no? We can plant as many seeds as we want, but if we plant in rocky soil, nothing happens. There are those that are ready, and others, not quite. But, as the soil of their hearts begin to soften, that seed that you planted will begin to grow.
I love this scripture:
Fear not to do good, my sons, for whatsoever ye sow, that shall ye also reap; therefore, if ye sow good ye shall also reap good for your reward.
You are strong and you are brave, and will receive what you put in.
Don't be discouraged and don't give up.
The BEST is yet to come, and that applies to your efforts in sharing the g贸spel as well.
Oh, I love you all so much. More than you know.
That is my one year rant for you.
I love this country, and I intend on making the very most of every day I have left.
We have 5 baptisms this weekend, so SO excited.
I love my misi贸n.
Oh est谩, todo bien,
Hermana Clark

oh yeah, and the above pic. A few hermanas stayed with us this week, and we got locked out of our bathroom. Of course the doorknob cant be picked (good ole Peru) and so I climb through the opening above the door, and used a belt to unlock the door. Don't ask how, but it was a good success, and that's just another lil' thing that can happen as a missionary in Peru.

I worked in divisiones with Hermana Valdebenito. I really like her, she's from Chile, and has gone through a lot in her life, and is just such a powerful example to me.

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