Monday, March 6, 2017

Heavenly Father sometimes works in the last minute

Okay, I'll write a lil' more in this email for my blog. 

Hermana R and her children are my miracles. I'm serious, they make life so so fun for me, and I loved painting their house this week. They had bought spray paint, and we decided to do a tree on the wall, and I have never been super talented art-wise, nor had I used spray paint like that, but was like, "how hard can it be?" and we along the elders painted a tree on the kid's room wall, and Hermana R is obsessed with it, I'm serious she can't stop talking about it. I have to admit I do think it came out pretty dang cute. I mean, spray paint, people! Who knew? And that's something really special that I'll get to leave with them, that cute lil tree on their wall. It was so so fun.

Wow, have I told you that I love this family? Seriously, they have stolen my whole entire heart. 
Hermana R wanted to paint her daughter's room, and so we went to paint with the elders. The girls are crazy, and there was paint fight galore. Oh my, it was so fun, and they are so funny. 

(Lucero is not amused in this pic, haha she's an honary one. PS how do you spell that?) I LOVE THEM. 


The elders who share our ward are so great too, and R's son is their investigator, so we are all working hard with that family. Hermana R and her daughters are getting baptized on the 18th of March
Also E, (I sent pics of her last week) will be getting baptized on the 18th as well. And also, A, I think I've talked about her too. We are looking to have 5 baptisms on the 18th, and I am so so excited. We are praying hard for them in this time. 
Well, this Sunday was crucial with their baptismal date. An investigator has to have attended church 3 times before being baptized, and all of our investigators needed to attend this sunday for their March 18th date. When church started, only E was in the church, and I was like, "shoot, where are they?" We had gone in the morning to wake them up, and remind them, and they still hadn't came. After the sacrament, me and my comp went into a classroom and said a prayer for our investigators, and that they would be able to arrive. As I said the prayer, I felt the need to say, "Heavenly Father, help us to be happy what ever happens, and that our investigators can be baptized in your time." We went back into sacrament meeting, and still no one had arrived. I was l like, "Heavenly Father, please help me to not cry if they don't come."
It was  9.45, and our phone buzzes, and it's a text from the elders that we share the ward with, and the text says, "Hermana R is behind you". I turn around, and there's Hermana R, with V. And right as I turn around, A and her mom come walking in the door, what in the world?! I was like, "If this real life?" Heavenly Father wants them to get baptized. I am so excited. It was the last minute, but they made it, it was a miracle. 
I said -  I have to tell that to my family!

Okay, I love you all lots! Have the best week! This week is March 8th😏
Love, Hermana Clark

Multi-Zone conference
Quillabamba came to town, so I got to see some of my pals from my other zones. 
A pic of some of the missionaries from our zone Inti Raymi. 

Me with my two favorite girls L and V

We made brownies at Hermana Johnson's house. 

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