Thursday, July 13, 2017

June 26 2017 I love good weeks

Went to Siustani today, some old ruins, and it was so cool!

I literally have technical difficulties every single stinkin week, and it is so darned frustrating. Ughh. I will NEVER miss internet cafes in Peru. 
So, how was this week everyone? We are coming into July, is that crazy or crazy? I cannot believe that. 
This week was the best. You will never regret working hard, and seriously nothing beats it in Puno. The work is alive here! 
Last night we had the Goals meeting, like we do at the end of every month with the stake. That meeting is the best thing ever, every stake in the world should have a goals meeting like that. What happens is we set a goal, and we talk about it with the Bishop, and then we make the final goal together. We had decided that 3 baptisms would be our goal, and so Bishop goes us to the stand to say our ward goal for baptisms to the stake leaders, and he says, "Our goal for baptisms this month is 8". EIGHT? Wait what. Me and my comp were whispering back and forth, like "what is happening? and "oh man, this is crazy". But, there are a few things that I learned this week, that have helped me understand that goal. 
1. I am not a missionary for the "Mormon Church". 
This is not the church of a man. This is not the church of Mormon. This is the church of Jesus Christ. That is way this work goes flying. One thing Presidente Soto said (our Stake president) is: This work is not going to stop, and is not going to fail.". Aint that the truth. It keeps moving, and man, am I SO grateful to be a part of a work like that. So, this is the church of JESUS CHRIST restored upon the earth, and so a goal of 8 baptisms is POSSIBLE. 

2. Elder Ballard said, (this is part of my study for this week with the apostles) 
"We can all be more consistently involved in missionary work, by replacing our fear with REAL FAITH." ALL members need to be constantly giving references to missionaries. THAT'S what makes 8 bautismos possible. That is what little barrio Huaynacapac does, I LOVE this ward. 

3. Hard work makes it happen.
Our zone is working hard for lots of baptisms for this month, because the last few months, not just the zone, but our whole mission has had very low numbers. We've just been in a drought, and it has been the most frustrating thing, because there is SO much work. 
Bishop told us after, "I don't know, I just know that we can do it" And even if we don't, the hard work we are putting in to be able to get it will be worth it every time. 

Okay, COOLEST thing. We found this guy this week, knocking on the door of one of our recent converts, and he answers the door, and he's this big black guy with a tattoo on his neck, and he tells us that he is from Venezuela, and this guys is a professional basketball player! Are you kidding me?! His name is E, and E lives in one room, on a mattress on the ground, with literally almost 0 possessions, BUT in those little possessions, he has a Bible! What? This guy read the whole bible last year, and has recently started his spiritually journey. We took him on a mini church tour last night, and oh my goodness, the guy is quoting the Bible the whole time! We agreed about everything,l and he believes a lot in how the spirit can fill us with light, and we can receive answers that way. Okay buddy, that's actually the exact message that we teach, oh man, it was gold. And get this, he really wants to be baptized, but never has been. GOLD. I'm tellin ya. So, we're working really hard with him. Also, with D, the friend of a missionary in the field that told her, "By the time I get home, you should be baptized". SO awesome. The faith of people here is incredible! 

I love my mission. We are working hard, and like I said, that is the best feeling. 
I know this is the church of Jesus Christ. I know it is SO true. 
AND I love you all so much! 
See ya in 50 days tomorrow, Mom and dad. (AHHHH) 
Gotta go, so much to do, and such little time! THIS is the work. 
Love, Hermana Clark

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