Monday, August 29, 2016

Cinco meses, how did THAT happen?

Ah, hello familia dearest!
On Tuesday, I went to the lab again, had another good round of throwing up, so I still have my parasites, and it honestly just isn't that fair. I'm like, okay lil friends, move on, I'm sure there are other people who would like to lose weight or get the full Quillabamba experience, but they are my most loyal pals. And had the good ole poop in a cup opportunity again, gotta love that. For these last two weeks, I was only allowed to eat rice and chicken whenever I ate. Nothing else. Every single meal, and I literally never want to see a plate of rice with a lil slab or chicken again in my life. The diet was rough, but the medication is strong, and I honestly am feeling a lot better, so I think that my pals might be gone for good. (Hallelujah.)

I've never told you about one of our investigators,M, the cutest Machiyanga 13 year old girl. She's from a native community, like the people who live in the jungle and are still practicing all their traditions (really makes me think of the Lamanitas) but now she had been living with some members here in Quilla. This week, we set a date for her for the 3 of september. I help her with her english homework, and she is just so cute. 

 Also, I saw my first baptism this week! B, one of the elder's investigators was baptized on saturday. He asked me to give the talk on baptism and that made me feel so so special, so I gave the talk on baptism. It was such a special day, and I felt so much love in my heart as B came up out of the water. Even though the neighbors of the capilla were having a party, and "bad boys, bad boys, whatcha gonna do" in english (what in the world, haha) was blaring, and the windows of the capilla don't do much, the spirit could be felt SO strongly. T and J came to the baptism to see how it was, and afterwards we were walking home with them, and I asked T, "What'd you think of the baptism?" and he said, "I'll be honest. I'm a little envious that it wasn't me that was getting baptized." They are so ready. The wedding is coming along, and we are so so excited. Honestly, SO glad it isn't my wedding because it's a lil stressful. We're really trying to get the branch to help out, and there are people who are starting to step up, YAY. I love my branch. There's a lot that's a lil tricky, and we're about to see lots of changes, but I can honestly say that each person here has taken a lil of my heart. They are my family. 
September 30th (their wedding) is going to be a special day, but an even more special day will be in a year, when they are sealed in the temple for time and ALL eternity. I know that we can be with our families for all eternity when we are sealed in the temple. The priesthood has been restored upon the earth, and families can be together forever through that power. It's way cool. 
Anyways, I'm "too blessed to (ever) be stressed" anymore. My life is a huge wonderful blessing to me, and I LOVE being Hermana Clark. 
My Distrona, literally the BEST! 

Read the story of Peter when he tries to walk on water with Christ. 
"I have needed the rescue of the Savior and his hand SO many times. I need Him now, (more than ever before), as do each of you. I have felt confident at times, leaping over the side of the boat, figuratively speaking, into unfamiliar places (my mission), only to realize that I could not (and can not) do it alone. 
-Elder Ronald R. Rasband of the 12 apostles. (with emphasis added by Hermana Clark ;) 

Cleaned the chapel this week in prep for the baptisms, super fun, super funny, a few things that made my stomach a lil weak, but all's well, haha

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