Saturday, August 6, 2016

Wedding Bells :) :)

The mish is a rollercoaster, ahh. It's so SO good, and so SO hard, and I just love it more than anything. 
On Monday, we went to the fair, and t hat was so fun. The natives, they're called machiyangas, came into town to sell all their cool native things, and I literally wanted to buy EVERYTHING, but then I realized that I have to have money to live after the mish, so I calmed down a bit. But AHH, it was so cool. Gosh, it's so easy for me to buy stuff here, because the dollar is worth more, like 3.4  soles, or algo así. If someone is like "un sole, mamí", I'm literally like, "30 cents?! Yeah, I'll take it, gracias!" But, I've learned to be more careful with my money, learning lots  here, Mom. hehe
On Tuesday, I straightened one of our menos activos hair, and she borrowed one of my dresses for this special event she had at her school. She looked so gorgeous, and it made me so happy. 
On Tuesday, we met with T and J and watched the Restoration vid. Once again, I just felt so strongly that Joseph Smith was a prophet called of God. He is such a stud, literally one of my heroes. 
After the movie, we talked for a while about it, and then I asked them, "Have you prayed to know if this is the true church restored upon the earth?" and T said to me, "Honestly, I haven't. Just because from the very first time you all came, I felt  so strongly in my heart that this was the path I need to take, that what you all have taught me is true, and that I need to be baptized" . That was so powerful. So then we told them, okay we want to set a date for your wedding, because if we don't have a solid goal, nothing is going to happen . We gave them til Friday, and prayed with them all together on our knees, for guidance in the Lord's will with their marriage. They prayed after that many times together. They were originally talking January for their wedding,which yeah,  is cool, but SO far away. 
Anyways, we got  there Friday, and T told us he had a dream, in which he knew so clearly that they needed to be married. They told us, "We've decided to be married on the 30th of September." OF SEPTEMBER. IN TWO MONTHS. I was so excited that I cried. They then asked, "And we'd like to be baptized on the 1st of October." Whenever I think of this moment, I just can't stop smiling. Such a happy moment for us all. 
So, call me the wedding planner, because before they set a  date, we said, "We will do anything to help you with this wedding", and now we've got a date so soon, and you know, we gotta keep our word. I AM SO EXCITED. I l ove weddings,  and I can't wait to plan it. I honestly don't know how to plan a wedding, so any advice  (aka mom, grammy, nat, les, all my aunts, gma, etc) would be SOSOSO appreciated, wow. There is just so much to do! Ah, my heart is so excited! 
Also, our investigator Nori is going to arrive at her date for the 13th of Agosto, so we will see a baptism SO soon, and I am just so excited for N. We have worked so hard with her to help her change her life, and she has such a STRONG desire to be baptized. She is the cutest thing. 
We did an activity where we went out with the members, and contacted people, like just talked to lots of people about the gospel. I was paired with a girl named Ana, and she was so shy.
She was afraid to open her mouth and tell people about the gospel, and that day we  learned a lot together. By the end of it, she brought me with her to visit one of her friends to share the gospel with, and it was awesome. I have learned  so much about this. As she told me, "I don't know, I'm just afraid that they'll tell me no." But you know what I've learned? Why be scared when you are sharing the most important message in the entire world? It isn't  an obligation, it is an invitation for all people. The invitation is to follow Christ. And you know what? People are going to say no. We always have the choice. But, His arm is always outstretched. ALWAYS.  I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints is the church that Jesus Christ established when he  was on the earth. When he called 12 apostles, and gave them priesthood power. I know that the power of the  priesthood is once again upon the earth, and because our Heavenly Father loves us, He has called a prophet, Thomas S Monson, to lead  and guide us. And I know that Heavenly Father has a plan for each of His children. His plan is perfect. 
Love you all a million, and am praying always! Thank you for your prayers, I feel them here as a missionary. 
PS shoutout to my lil brother C-Clark. Love you buddy

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