Monday, August 29, 2016

I'm going to have a Hija

How is life in the promised land? 
Okay, I can't wait up any longer, and have to tell you. Today is transfers, and we got our emails from president, and guess what? I'm staying in Quilla, wahooooooo. And guess what else? I KNOW for sure that I'll be here until November, because I AM TRAINING A NEW MISSIONARY. The training is 12 weeks, so 3 months, and I just am BEYOND excited. I feel so overwhelmed, and so underqualified. Like, I have barely any time in the mish, and am so so young to be una madre.  (That's what we call trainers, moms, and then the new missionary you train is your hija.) But, I AM SO BLESSED. Quillabamba for 8 months of my mission. What in the world. SO blessed. 
I'm also excited for my hija because she is going to have the best first change ever. My first change we had virtually 0 investigators. We spend our days walking the streets looking for people to teach, and finding members, because my compi opened sector. A lot of times I felt like there is no hope. And a lot of times I wanted to give up.
My hija is going to see B's baptism. She is going to see Hermano G's baptism. She is going to see M's baptism, and cooler than ever, T and J's wedding and baptism! This transfer is going to be GOLD. I am so excited for her. She is so lucky. 
So yeah, this week B told us that he received answer to his prayers, and before he asked to be baptized, he was like, "hermanas, I'm just wondering, what things do I need to do to be a missionary? I have been thinking about my life, and I would really like to be a missionary like you two". Wait. what. um YES. So yeah, we told him that first he would need to be baptized, and he was like, "When?" and we set a date for him for the 3 of Sept. He is super excited. so cool to see. 
T and J. You already know. They are so good. T helped me teach the Word of Wisdom this week in gospel principles. There were a lot of speculative less actives in the class, but T bore powerful testimony that the word of wisdom is God's will for us. He is going to be a stellar leader in the church. 
Hermano G. He's the very best, oh my. His wife is a member, and after attending N's baptism, he decided for sure that he wanted to be baptized. He is so good, so smart and active, like really ready to help and lead in any situation, so I am very excited about him too. Reminds me a lot of my Dad, I don't know why, but this morning at breakfast it made me cry because of how much he reminds me of my dad. Because I miss my dad. (PS dad I think he send you a friend request on Facebook. He's literally the best.) He'll be getting baptized on the 10th of September. Really progressing faster than ever. He asked me to sing a musical number for his baptism, and was like, "There's this really beautiful song in English", and he looked it up, and it was "My heart will go on" from the Titanic. haha that made me laugh, but he really wants me to sing it for his baptism. We'll see what I can do, SO funny. 
Had Olympics here this week with all the youth, Quilla 2016. SO SO COOL, and tried to rep the best-country-in-the-world well. (Because who can NOT be proud of a country that won 121 medals?!) 
Anyways, my mish is gold. Love my life more than words can say. Please pray for me in this new endeavor. I know that training a new missionary isn't super easy, so I am praying for the capacity to teach her to be the best missionary quillabamba has ever seen.
Love you to the moon!

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