Monday, January 30, 2017

There is sunshine in my soul! (and in Cusco, what in the world?)

Okay, an absolutely wonderful week, and today Mr. Sun decided to pay Cusco a visit. That was very kind of him, and SO well needed. 

A few cool experiences this week. First being, we had been planning Noche Blanca, or "White Night", for a while, a baptism of a lot of people. We combined the two zones, and all the missionaries set a date with their investigators for the 28th of January. (we unfortunately don't have anyone quite ready for baptism, so that was a bummer, but I have faith that we will soon in the future!) 

Me and my comp made a cute picture frame for taking pictures that said, "Mi Bautismo" and everyone loved it, it was so fun! 

After that, all of the people getting baptized and the missionaries that were baptizing them all took a pic together, and as I took a picture of them all, my heart was so full, and filled with the spirit. The sun was shining, the birds were singing, and so many were dressed in white. I felt such a joy in my heart that so many were going to have the blessing of the gospel of Jesus Christ in their life, and the spirit as their guide over the course of their lives.

 A lot of times I take so much for granted. I have been a member of this church for 20 years n
ow (whew, long time) and so many recent converts tell me how lucky I have been. I have come to realize that all that I have and all that I cherish in life is thanks to the blessing of the gospel present in my life. I want all those that I love, (and even those that I have never met) to know that the gospel is true! That the same church that Christ established during his ministry has been restored upon the earth. 

Sometimes I get down in the dumps, and I just feel so SO done. Like, right before the noche blanca, we ran up to Alto Qosco to pick up some of our investigators so that they could see the baptisms and feel the spirit, and it is a huge hill from the bottom (can't wait to show you someday) and my legs were burnin' and I was breathing so hard, and we finally get there, and knock on 4 different houses
of our investigators and all of our investigators that had promised to come didn't answer their doors - I thought, "ARE YOU KIDDING?" because we had trekked up that hill just and only for them. I was a little frustrated, I can't lie. 

Then, I was just feeling down.. And we went to the baptism, and I was so full of the Spirit,and felt really grateful, but after everything, Satan beat me up because I didn't have a baptism, and nothing was really going my way. 

We were walking in the streets on Sunday night and my comp said, "Hermana Clark, I would love a hamburger right now" and I couldn't disagree, that sounded SO good. I thought wow, how cool would it be to have hamburgers for dinner? (haha, sounds ridiculous)

After a long night, and a lot of discouragement, we went to the house of my pension, and I was just worn out, and ready to eat a bowl of soup just like every night. 
I walk in, and in on the dinner table are 4 hamburgers, 2 for my compi and 2 for me. And my jaw just dropped, can you believe it? 

Heavenly Father loves his children so much. THIS I KNOW. He has just shown me His love in such big ways, and such clear ways that I know that it is Him working in my life, and not just coincidence. We had NEVER had hamburgers for dinner, it was just the craziest thing to me. 
The things that are important to us are important to Him, because He loves us. (Just like my mom always says) 
I love Him so much and feel so grateful for His miracles. 
And I love you all as well! I am always praying for you. 
Today Presidente asked me about my siblings and if I miss them? I thought of them, those 3 best friends of mine, and I said, " I do, I really really do". He told me, without even knowing anything about them, "Hermana Clark, you have very good siblings, Heavenly Father sure has blessed you." And I know with my whole heart that He so has, He has blessed me beyond words. 

Also, another thing. President talked to me in my last interview about sports. haha, and he asked me if I liked tennis, I told him that I LOVE tennis, and have some really good night tennis experience with some of my best buds from home. (hehe) He was like, Hermana Clark, I want to play you in tennis! So the day finally came (today) and we went, and holy wow, President has quite a few tennis tricks up his sleeve. and you won't believe it, but I BEAT PRESIDENTE IN TENNIS TODAY. (after lots of attempts, haha)

 He told me that I am the first to beat him, so that was a definite David and Goliath moment, hahaha. President is so good at tennis, who knew?? It was so fun and I felt so cool, playing tennis with my mission President on a P-day morning. THE BEST. 

Okay, I love you all! Keep on keepin on. 
Oh está, todo bien, 
Hermana Clark

Went to quillabamba to work with the sisters there, (we're their hermana leaders) and we swung by the capilla because it's in their sector. 

Carmen, a mototaxist that always called out to me as she drove by, "AMIGA CLARK!" haha love that, she's a sweet soul, and when she saw me there, she was like, "HERMANA CLARK??!" and turned around her moto. She said, "I knew it was you, there aren't that many girls who are as tall as you in this city!"

Hermana Riveros was with me in quillabamba before, she's one of my pals. (also, we HAD to buy cremoladas from MISKY, my favorite place ice cream place in quilla. 

I worked with Hermana Ovando, and it was such a joy! She's from my group from the CCM, so it was extra special.

Me and mi capilla, oh I miss it so!

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