Sunday, October 2, 2016

Feliz como una lombriz

Hello, this week was so wonderful. I am SO blessed. Seriously. 

On Wednesday, my new companion got here. You don't understand. She has to be one of my biggest blessings in my life. She is so kind, so ready to work, loves to sing, we think the same. She is the best, Hermana Garcia!

We had Hermano G's baptism this week, and I cried so many tears of joy. That family is on its way to the temple, and it makes me so happy. I KNOW that families can be together forever, and now they are complete in the gospel. I love a pic that I sent you home of Hermano G with Elder Ludlow right after his baptism. It just captures his joy SO well.

This week, we went and did service at a polleria, and we washed a billion plates. It was soo stinkin fun, and as I was getting more plates off the bottom shelf. (this polleria was dir-ty.), I saw a lil something move, and I freaked out, because I thought it was a lil mouse, but then I felt like such a nancy because it was a lizard! Like a lil salamander. The owners told me, "Ah no, Hermana Clark, that's normal! He'll eat some of the bugs down there!." haha gotta keep the lil creepy crawly friends around, I s'pose.

After service, I had my work clothes in my bag, along with my hawaii sandals. (My air bethlehems, i think is what Cole calls them), and as we had been walking in the streets, one of my air bethlehems fell down, and I had no idea. We got to the house that night, and I didn't have my shoe. So, we went and looked and looked, and NADA. I was praying the whole time, "Please Heavenly Father, i LOVE those sandals." (haha, call me dramatic but they are something else!) And this was just the biggest miracle ever for me, (because they HAVE to be my favorite shoes), but I was like, aw man, they are gone forever. Just when I turned around to give up, like I kid you not, I was turning around to go back to the house, I stepped on my sandal. My lost sandal, IN THE STREET. What. I could not believe it. 

Like I said last week, our God is a God of miracles. And sometimes they are little things like lost sandals getting found, that lots of people would call insignificant. 
And you know what? Sometimes they are big. A father of a family of members, that initially was very indifferent to the gospel, that wasn't interested in hearing the lessons, that went through a lot of hard times that tested his faith, but then decided to listen, to humble himself, to see if the gospel his family always talked about really. was. true.

He prayed and received an answer. His testimony is firm. His desire to be a good father is unshakeable. And, he was baptized a member of the church of Jesus Christ this week. THAT is a miracle, my friends. A family on the road towards the temple. 

I love my mission, love the people of Peru, and love YOU. 
The gospel is true. I will never, ever deny it. 

Prepare for conference this week! It is going to be gold, I can feel it. :) 
Love you all to the moon!

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